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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for Core ServicesCore Services
GHAN8ERU9LFixed an issue where the Domino server crashed due to the default thread size limited to 256K.
PMGY8QEKJW Prevent Server crash with "PANIC: LookupHandle: null handle" below NoteLock.
Hide details for Core ServivesCore Servives
PHEY8PACUDPrevent Server crash on NumberListValue::NthLONG
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GKLA8TYU97This fix enhances the 'Account exists' error message when trying to 'Add a Calendar' with an existing label
HYHY8V3575 Fixed an issue where a special character could not display properly in mail view (standard client only)
CSMH845M7PFixes issue where Chat documents saved to a mail file were not being included in user's Collaboration History
ADEE8LWFWLThe solution to not all deleted mails are in the trash view is to show a warning to the user if his trash is going to overflow with the current...
IFAY8RKEY3Need to update the side calendar view on refresh notification for the entries to show up in Day At A Glance.
RHAN8ZYTQK When we delete any document from mail, a view refresh is needed for all the visible views. So now if Day at a Glance(DAAG) is open, even that will...
Hide details for CSI ViewpartCSI Viewpart
SPES8P4QYJFixes NullPointerException federating users to calendar
MSTR7WKP5VFixed an issue where user was receiving an error when using Federated Calendar. The errors "Invalid document store key" and...
AMIL8KRP3EFixes issue where the Federated Calendar does not update when a meeting is canceled
JXBI8SMBPY Fixes issue where Calendar entries start time are displayed as 'Continued" in the One Month view + Show Summary. This is a regression in...
AWAG8QUQMNFixes issue where a previously changed column width is not maintained in the Notes Client when switching to Categorized Inbox.
BKAN8NQ9FTFederated Calendar fails to show Subject values when user does not have access to the calendar they are federating.
PANN8KMSGMThis fix adds the ability to control the Day at a Glance caledar view when using Federated Calendars. New notes.ini setting...
SJCN8YPRY5Fixes issue where when Folders and Views are grouped by date, the categories do not display correctly and the user is not able to access documents...
KTOT8SUSHPWhen creating offline entries for federated calendar, the repair dialog
incorrectly pops up, assuming the offline entries to be duplicate are the...
Hide details for CustomizationCustomization
CSMH8C7LZJFixed a problem where Send and File to a folder, with a custom expiration date, would result in save conflicts and the message being saved to the...
Hide details for DAOSDAOS
BHUY8P6EFAAdd check to ensure that DAOS size does not attempt to go below 0. Resync will now correct the DAOSSize values in DbInfo5 as part of the scan...
Hide details for Data CollectionData Collection
TCHL8PALXLAdds additional logging to ADC fault report documents that help with further analysis.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
TPOK7UZT2QCorrect a problem where Fixup would not fix a database with folder operations problems.


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